2014年5月6日 星期二

INFO入口網站架構下,開發易於理解與維護的專案.以及比較Entity Framework 和 NHibernate


For information collection and communication between internal departments, the Operation Data Management Group (ODMG) has built the INFO web portal.
The INFO web portal are running dozens of web project. The web portal use NHibernate to be its object-relational mapping framework for easier development and maintenance a database application.

Work Problem

However, Nhibernate can't handle the data schema changes well. Also, the INFO use version 1.x of Nhibernate. It merely supports .NET framework 1.1 and 2.0. We can't use numerous .NET framework new features to enhance our web project while new project is in development.

Quantitative specification of problem

Importance of problem

Work objective

Methodology to achieve objective

Possible approach

Change ADO.NET Entity Framework instead of NHibernate.
  • But biginfo-01 is windows 2000. Not supported to .NET 2.0 and later.
Use interface Web Service or WCF to provide an API for .NET 2.0 Web Client to get data objects.

Anticipated results

So far, NHibernate 1.x is our merely option(2012/1218)

Contribution to field

